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Event Decorating/What good Value for kids Entertainment

Teaching Tradition in Children's Entertainment

What do you think in terms of family entertainment? Do you think of fairs, playgrounds, movies and fast food? Would musical theatre, tea parties and concerts come to mind?

The pace of life today is fast, fast and connected at all times, it's flashy and constantly on the move. Are we doing a disservice to our children by keeping up this pace, by not allowing them the chance to explore more traditional forms of children's entertainment.

We talk a lot about balance as adults. How to balance work and home, balancing our budgets, our eating. But it seems as if entertainment has become less balanced.

It's fast paced, flashing lights, go go go in 20 second sound bites. It doesn't inspire patience or quiet contemplation or the even enjoyment of the event as a whole, instead we lurch from thrill to thrill.

What if we brought back more traditional entertainment, where the focus is on the event as a whole, each part of the process helps to build the excitement.

Take the tea party- something every child has participated in on an imaginary level. Feeding parents or teddy bears, it's a natural process and desire to want to provide for those you love. A real tea party is chock full of a different kind of excitement. It's not a Big Bang over and done with in one flash of smoke.

You begin the tea party well before your arrival in dressing up! Once you are there it's about using your senses in a subtle manner, the look of the room, the smell of flowers on the table and the taste of cakes, listening to those around you, the feel of a teacup in your hand.

Participation in all kinds of events helps to teach our children so many valuable life lessons. We can't just teach them fast and flashy, life will be eternally frustrating if that's what you expect. We have to show them slow and steady, wonder and enchantment. The very qualities that make childhood so magical.

In a world where we move so fast taking the time to slow down with our children will leave a longer lasting impression and lesson that will carry them forward in life.

I ask question of my lovely Friend Michy May and she wrote me this fabulous article ...... thank you

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